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What Does It Mean?
Jasmine and Wesley created this company to do one thing:
Help People Live the Life God has Designed For Us. A life where we "Just Breathe."
Once you learn that Yahweh is in control, you can lay down the burdens that are making you feel like you're drowning.
Step 1: Find yourself a cute outfit on our site that inspires you to go out and do a Just Breathe activity. Examples, volunteering, bible study, yoga etc.
Step 2. Select under "add to cart" which organization you would like us to donate 5% of your purchase too. So that others can Just Breathe too.
Follow us on social media @livelifebreathebrands and look for this purple logo. In those videos, are guides on steps you can take to living this free life.
There you will also find advice on all things Fashion and Makeup as well!
Everyone deserves to feel cute! The details of the little bows are a must have! #OnTrend